Category: consumer behavior

Harga Borong Kurma

Harga Borong Kurma: Ramadan Impact

The demand for kurma, especially during peak seasons like Ramadan, can significantly influence harga borong kurma, or wholesale prices. Understanding these factors is essential for both consumers and retailers in navigating the market effectively. This blog post will explore the various elements that affect the pricing of kurma during this festive season. Understanding Harga Borong […]

kedai jual kurma

Harga Kurma: The Impact of Date Prices on Consumption

  Understanding Date Prices and Harga Kurma Date prices, often referred to as “harga kurma” in certain regions, play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and consumption patterns. Harga kurma refers to the cost or price of dates in the market, which can fluctuate depending on various factors. Understanding the relationship between date prices […]